Sunday, 1 April 2018

EVALUATION: What have you learned from your audience feedback?


It’s incredibly important that you have an in depth understanding of your target demographic as it will enable you to be able to target your product to them more effectively. This will be done through targeting their psycho-graphics (interests, hobbies and beliefs) within your media product. In Order to better understand my target audience and their preferences i carried out a questionnaire prior to making my ancillary tasks as well as a focus group for our music video. Audience feedback is key as it enables you to make minor changes to make it suitable for your audience. A questionnaire is also helpful when assembling your product as you have a general understanding into the audiences preferences in which you can incorporate into your media product.

Audience Demographic
In regards to our audience demographic their age range is between 14-18 which is a typical pop target audience. Knowing their age range greatly assisted me when planning the music video as well as my digipak and music magazine advert as i know both of these products will be target to a young(teen) audience. Finding out which one is the predominant gender within our target audience will assist me when it comes to influencing my choice in costume and colours that will be used throughout both products. Through conducting the questionnaire i found that my audience demographic will be predominantly female (62.7%), which again is stereotypical of our chosen genre. 

However we did get a few male responses too (37.9%) which is something needed to take into consideration when planning our products. However as there is a male lead within the video the will appeal to them meaning we will not need to conform to the male gaze theory. The male gaze being that the female is over sexualised to appeal to the males.Our target audience are predominantly students/unemployed and therefore fall among the lower class region. Typically in regards to classes’ higher classes want to be educated whereas the lower classes would want to be entertained offering them a sense of escapism. I feel a though my products appealed to my target demographic as it was incredibly entertaining consisting of bright colours and happy themes throughout. The majority of our target audience was Caucasian which again is typical of our chosen genre as stereo-typically other ethnicity like black would prefer to listen to hip hop/ RnB. 

My chosen genre pop generally does attract this demographic as typically this genre of music predominantly attract females ageing between 13-20. This is demonstrated through other pop music artist such as little mix. They showcased similar themes throughout their digipaks and music videos: Bold, on trend costume/makeup and very colourful. These are all factors that appeal to that age demographic, which are also . Little mix are also an example of a girl group that advocate for female empowerment and being fearless in who you are. This is the fundamental message of our song, hence the mass appeal to female audiences. This also explains why the majority of our target demographic when answering our questionnaire were female.


My questionnaire was incredibly effective tooling me with all the necessary information to execute my media products. For example one of the questions I asked was what the audiences colour preferences the majority answered pastel colours. When i was assembling my digipak I made pastel colours a prominent theme throughout. They also stated that images are the main thing that attract them to a digipak so when I was ensuring my digipak i ensured that I used a variety of images throughout both in the inside as well as the front an back of the digipak. Through having the results of the questionnaire I was able to gain knowledge in regards to what directly appeal to my target demographic whether it was the colour scheme or type of camera shots. Through having this information it influenced my decision in regards to planning both the music video as well as the digipak. I always made sure I took into consideration the audience's responses when making decisions.
Google drive was very useful when creating my questionnaires not only was it simple to create but it was even easier to distribute. One feature I really liked about using google drive was how easy it is was in order to share it. I simply shared a link which gave people access to it. It was also easy to analyse as google drive automatically processed the result putting them in with with either bar charts or pie charts. I feel as though google drive is the most effective way to create, distribute and analyse results.
First Edits
In my first initial edits I tried to appeal to my target demographic through using pastel colours throughout my digipak as this was most voted within the questionnaire. I used a variety of colours such as purple, blue as well as yellow. I specifically used bright and vibrant colours as despite my target demographic being predominantly female there were also a notable amount of males. This meant that my colour scheme had to appeal to both he female and male demographic. I ensured that the majority of my font was serif as when asked my target demographic stated that this most appealed them. So through incorporating serif font i was able to conform to my target demographics preferences. My Digipak was filled with various images of both of models throughout, this assisted me in attempting to attract my target demographic as based on the questionnaire results a large majority stated that images is what attract them to a digipak. 

In regards to the layout I ensured that the main images took centre stage i had a more minimalist approach. I did this as 93.7% of participants that took the questionnaire said they prefer images over text. Through taking a minimalist approach and having the image essentially be front runner of the digipak it ensured i met the preferences of my target audience. In terms if Mes en scene i made sure that both the magazine advert, digipak and music video consistent of a theme of vibrant colours, whether this was done through the costume of lighting. I ensured that there costume were on trend and youthful. I projected the theme of bright colours through the frequent use of the LED lights which is prominent throughout the music video as well as the magazine advert. All these factors would have assisted me in attracting my target demographic as they are all conventions typical within the genre of pop.

Focus Group
My focus group identified that the strongest part of our music video and digipaks were that there was a consistent theme throughout both. They could clearly identify the underlying theme of what was occurring. They noticed how the digipak and magazine advert showcased themes that were present within the music video. However one of the weakness they stated was that the video appeared to be geared more towards females. In order to solve this we incorporated more shots and footage into our music video of our male lead. So that both of the models would get equal shine throughout the video


It's vital that you take into account audience feedback when assembling your product as they will be the consumers of your product. If you wish your product to be deemed successful then it must appeal to your target demographic. You will be able to tailor your products to them through taking into account your feedback from them. It's important to note that ultimately you are not making your products for yourself but rather the audience.

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