Sunday 1 April 2018

EVALUATION: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


 In order for a music video promotion to be deemed effective and efficient it's vital that advertisement and promotion for the artist is placed on various platform. In this case for my chosen artist I created a digipak magazine advert as the ancillary products that would assist promoting the music video Which in itself creates synergy through promoting the product of various different platforms. However in order to this to be stylistically consistent across the products hence why it's essential that it has a definitive house style.

 Music video
 In regards to my music video it was a pop hybrid of performance as well as narrative. This was purposely done as it's a typically convention found in the majority of pop music videos, often whilst the artist is present (lip syncing/dancing) in which we generally used various medium close up shots as well as close up shots. the video itself will follow a story which usually coincide with the lyrics. We wanted the audience to gain a visual representation of the lyrics which in essence assisted us in promoting the underlying message of the song to be “not sorry” for who you are. We wanted to particularly represent this message through the mise en scene with our male lead wearing making up which audience may consider it to be breaking gender norms. As our target audience consistent of predominantly females within the age range of 14-18, through showcasing themes of not caring and being fearless our preferred reading would be that they too should be confident in who they are. 

Digipak & Magazine Advert
In regard to my artillery tasks i feel as though i have successfully used conventions associated with my chosen genre pop to create a distinct style that's evident within my digipak and magazine advert. They typography across both the artillery tasks were primary a serif font which was most popular on our audience feedback. However i did incorporate a slight touch of sans serif font which was for the artist name, it acted almost as a signature making the piece look slighting more intimate and have the artist's touch. The colour scheme throughout my digipak was incredibly colourful which is a typical characteristic often associated with pop. I did divert this when creating my magazine advert in which the poster consisted of both models with pink and blue lights pronounced onto them. I feel as though the consistent use of colours as well as typography font as well style ensured that both of these has a distinct style. But also tied both of these artillery tasks with the music video itself reflecting key themes that was showcased within it.

 It's vital that a clear house style is developed through all the products in order to create distinct synergy between them. I did this through reflecting the key themes within the video into my digipak and magazine advert. For example my digipak acted as a reflection of the prominent use of colour within the video, Whereas the magazine advert showcased the scene filmed within the studio. The use of constant bright primary colour through all three of the product tied them nicely together. I feel as though synergy works effectively well between all three of the products. However if i was able to improve the synergy between the products I would have perhaps incorporate TV lines into my digipak and magazine advert in order to have a stronger house style link across. Conclusion I ensured that all 3 of my producted acted as advertisement through making sure that the themes (colour schemes, typography ect) remained consistent throughout. This enabled me to create a distinct style therefore creating synergy between my product. I felt as though my main product as well as my atilary products were effective as they followed not only the audience feedback but also conventions associated with the pop genre.

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