Sunday 1 April 2018

EVALUATION: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Soundcloud Recording
Within this evaluation, I will be comparing my use of media technologies.

When initially starting the project, I used technologies in a much more basic way. A specific example would be that at first all I used was simple tools on photoshop like colour correction and blemish removers to create brighter photos and giving the models the image of 'perfection'. I improved by learning about more complex edits through watching tutorials, which included making my own backgrounds using the blur tool and adding glitches to my pictures.

I also used online technologies in order to distribute questionnaires on google forms so that I could retrieve data quickly and easily in order to create graphs on what my target audience would most prefer from my products. I also used other google applications such a google docs and google slides in order to create plans for my layout designs.

As well as this, we used different camera technologies in order to create the best sort of shots. For the music video, we used the Canon 760D and used two different lenses in order to get the right focus that we needed for particular shots. For medium shots, we used the 50mm lens as we wanted the artists in the front of the shot to be in focus, and with this lens, it would make the object at the front the clearest. When doing long shots or shots where the camera is being moved, we used the 105mm, which allows you to zoom, in order to change the distance between the artists on the camera during the shot. We used this camera for the photos for our digipak and magazine advert too as it enabled us to take the most focused pictures. The camera itself was a DSLR camera, ensuring that we could take high definition footage, creating a professional look for our products overall.

When editing our video, we used Premier Pro to create and fit our footage together. This software helped us to easily place together the videos and add in the special effects of glitch's and TV static in order to create a professional looking product. To edit my magazine and digipak, I used two programmes, Adobe photoshop and InDesign. I did my main editing of the photos on photoshop as there is a wide range of tools that can be used. I then used InDesign in order to make the final layout of my print products as this software is easy to use and produces professional looking print products when the final product is finished.

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