In this Evaluation I will be discussing Audience Feedback.
It was important I was aware of who my target audience was, this meant I could aim my products at them. For this I needed to know their demographics and psychographics, demographics being their age, gender, ethnicity etc, and psychographics being based more on my target audiences interests and beliefs. To find this out I used google drives to create a questionnaire aimed at my target audience to discover more about who they are and what they liked and disliked so I could aim my music video at them. Google drive was helpful as it was easy to distribute the questionnaire to specific people within range of my target audience.
When receiving the feedback from my questionnaire I discovered my target audience was young females which is stereotypical within the pop genre.
56.5%- female so I added in Lewis to appeal to males also
91.3%- 15-19 year olds
60.9% - middle class
50.5%- Caucasian
Also from this questionnaire I discovered my target audience like the videos 'Work From Home' and 'Touch' which are both from groups which is why I decided to use groups within the video and 2 main singers. Both videos include lip sync which again are stereotypical to the pop genre and is something I included in my music video.
With the first edits of my print products I targeted the target audience using bright colours which has connotations of love, happiness and energy, which are key themes within the pop genre, I wanted the typography to be bold to do this also. I wanted the images with the same model which is something most products do use. I wanted the model to be young so it was relevant to the target audience and someone who can inspire them which I also did through costume. I wanted the layout to be stereotypical very simple with a main image with the artist and album name so the target audience could see what the product was and whos it was.
When shooting the video we wanted to use many locations as it is fun and keeps the audience engaged when watching the video. After our first edits we used focus groups to gain feedback on our video. The focus group liked- the locations and the main images and how they were edited. The focus groups believed my product didn't have a clear enough house style with the music video. So to change this I made TV scan lines and added them the same as we had done with the music video. Doing this created that house style.
After releasing the final products my target audience liked my locations the house styles and also the costumes which inspired them. They liked the stereotypical pop conventions such as dance and lip sync which created energy. They thought the scan lines were unique. Overall the responses were positive liking the female empowerment and the clear narrative of the power point. The 2 different models showed 2 different perspectives.
It is always important that I take in to account my audience feedback when creating a media product as they are the people that buy the product so it is important that it appeals to them. It is important that the end product and model appeals to a mass audience to encourage more people to buy and watch the products.
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