Sunday, 22 October 2017

RESEARCH &PLANNING: Layout Design-DIGIPAK & Magazine Advert

RESEARCH AND PLANNING- Layout design-Digi pak

By Izzy Albutt
DIGI PAK PLAN AND LAYOUT- The digi pak very similar to the magazine will be very bright and colourful to meet the questionnaire feedback and also resemble the pop genre. It will heavily feature the artist and the direction of the album. It is important that the artist is featured as it is their album and their target audience will want to see them on the album and know it is theirs when going to buy it. From my digi pak analysis on Katy Perrys 'Teenage Dream' she had a clear direction of the album which was candy canes and a dream world. The theme of this album is bright colours and fun and upbeat just like the song 'Sorry Not Sorry'. The bright colours will reflect the mood of the song and the direction we are choosing to go with the video.

FRONT COVER- The front cover will feature the artists name at the top with a main image and the album name. I want to keep the front cover simple, I want the typography to be bold and eye catching and the main image to be of the artist and it to also be colourful to stand out. The main image will be of the artist and I want her as an inspiration to her fans wearing fashionable clothes with makeup on to show a stereotypical look of pop and be something her fans can relate to. This will be the first thing the audience will see when picking up the digi-pak so it is therefore important that it stands out to the audience and also amongst other digi-paks.

BACK COVER- The back cover will have the track list of the album. Very similar to the digi-pak I researched into (Katy Perry) I want the songs all in different colours to create a bright overall finish to the back cover. It is stereotypical to have the tracklist on the back so I might consider how I can make mine different to all others to attract a wider audience. This might be more images of the artist of images from the videos from the album, or potentially quotes from the artist. From our questionnaire feedback our target audience said pictures attracted them the most to a digi-pak. Having many photos included will therefore attract more people. There will also be companies involved with the album on the back to reference their involvement in the album. This is something all albums do.

INSIDE- Inside the album will be again the album name with images of the artist and images that are upcoming with potential videos. The image will all be stereotypically pop and will mainly feature the artist. The artist will be in many different costumes to inspire her fans. It might be something to consider giving the album buyer a free image of the artist within the digi-pak to add more of a reason for the target audience to want to buy it.  The images will be bright and colourful to reflect the genre of pop and will be (like said previously) mainly with the artist however will also be group pictures of dancers as this is something our target audience liked from our questionnaire analysis.

INSIDE DISK- The disk (like the album) will be bright and colourful (potentially pastel as that is the favourite colour of the target audience). It will also have the album name and the artist on their to again show the album name and the artist (as it is their CD).

RESEARCH AND PLANNING- Layout design- Magazine Advert

By Izzy Albutt

If we have a background it will be bright pastel colours. We are using pastel colours as from feedback of our questionnaire the audience preferred pastel colours. The bright colours also represent the genre of our music video (pop) and reflects our music video being fun and upbeat. We want the artist to be the main focus of the magazine as that is what will attract the target audience and make them want to buy the album/watch the video.

The artists name is something that is on most digi-paks to show the target audience whos album it is. It will attract the audience even more and make them want the album. If a person was going to buy this album they would look for the artists name or picture when looking so it is important that it is bold and eye catching.

The main image is the most important part of the digi-pak as it gives the vibe and image of the album and gives an idea of the music. It is therefore important that the image we uses reflects the music video and genre.

The name of the album needs to be there as it separates it from the other work the artist has done. It also will again give an image to the album and a direction which will attract other music listeners that arent the artists biggest fans. We need to come up with a name that will appeal to the target audience but also others.

Having the reviews within the digi-pak is effective as it shows people why they should be buying the album. With it being 5 stars that will intrigue the target audience and make them more inclined to purchase it. Having the platforms there also shows other ways to access the music which also advertises the music to music listeners that perhaps prefer to listen to music via apps rather than a CD.

Thursday, 19 October 2017


RESEARCHING & PLANNING- Magazine Advert Layout Plan

Backdrop colours. If we do not use these colours then we would have a light blue or muted green backdrop behind the artist. The idea of the colour came from looking at the questionnaire results as our target audience said they like bright colours or pastel colours.

The artist name is going to be above the song title’s name. The artist will have her name wrote in a decorative or sans serif font almost like a signature to show that this is her song. The song name is going to be bigger than her name because the magazine will be promoting a new song and as it is not known very well having it in a larger font will draw more attention to it. The release date will also be next to the song as it is a something conventional to the pop genre. I am using this layout as this is what I saw on Beyoncé's magazine where she is promoting perfume that her name is at the top of the page. I like the idea of the artists name overlapping the image as this is what i saw in the magazine i analysed and i believed it was effective.

Around the main image there will be reviews and a short description as shown by my layout plan. This will provide the audience with some understanding of the song and a reason to by the digipak or download the song. The main image will most likely be wearing clothing in which enchants her figure as after we get the results back for the questionnaire on the magazine and Digipack we found out that 62.1% are females. After also looking into the psychographics and demographics of a typical audience we realised that these females would like to see an artist on a magazine who has a nice figure as they will want something to inspire to be like. We surprisingly had 37.9% of males which also suggests they have an interest in female artists. Again from the genre research that I have done, I realise that these males are more likely to buy our products if there is a model that they find the artist sexually attractive.

As well the typography of the next on here will be the same as the digipack. I believe that we should have a more modern and stylized typography, as this is what people have requested from our questionnaire. However, I personally do not want to create a magazine or digipak using fonts like comic sans as i think it is too comedical and well known by our target audience. I would like a font that is modern and simple but is not as recognisable to them.

Additionally we have social media advertisements to itunes, spotify, youtube and Deezer to promote the music video and tell the audience where to find it. This is effective because when they have watched it or had access to it they can share it with other creating mass advertising. I believed this was a good idea, not only because it was conventional, but because our questionnaire results came mostly from students and from my research i am aware that a lot of students use social media. Therefore, having our models music on a different social media platforms would be the best way of promoting it to them. When looking at other magazines adverts I realised that not many people did this but as my artist is not that know i am going to use this magazine to promote it. I realise that i am subverting most conventions but i believe doing this would be more benifisional.

Finally having the record label and other information who were involved in the process is conventional of a pop genre which is why we plan to use it.

We are basing a lot of our magazine off the questionnaire results from our target audience as they are our target and we aim to please them.



RESEARCH & PLANNING- Costume & prop

RESEARCH & PLANNING- Theories Analysis


Wednesday, 18 October 2017

RESEARCH & PLANNING - Digipak and magazine layout design

Within the colour scheme, I have gone for pastel colours in the colours blue and pink. These colours are popular within my target audience so I believe it would become more appealing to look at. They also conform to the pop genre and was proven popular through the answers of our questionnaire. I have also used minimal text on my digipak as I didn't want it to look too cluttered and also teenagers and young adults are stereotyped as not liking to read so it might become a reason to not look at the CD. The typography will be in a sans serif font so that it appeals more to the teenage target audience. The photography on the front cover will be the artist posing in the middle underneath the title in a naturalistic pose in order for the artist. In regards to professional digipaks, I am taking inspiration from both Little Mix's 'Get Weird' and Ariana Grande 'Dangerous Woman'.

Monday, 16 October 2017



There are many risks with this project which I have identified and decided how they can be avoided. One risk is the studio, we are recording on location and also in a studio. There are many risks with the studio such as lighting and equipment possibly falling on people. This could happen if someone does not set up the equipment properly. It is therefore important that we ensure we are setting up the equipment correctly. The chances of this happening are remote and if it does happen the injury's would be marginal meaning it is a medium risk. Other than setting up the equipment correctly another thing we can do to avoid this happening is making sure the team are aware of where potential dangers are within the studio and making sure they stay away from possible injuries. See below for more risks and the risk matrix which I have used to base my risks from to judge how serious the injury could be.

Monday, 2 October 2017

PRODUCTION MEETING (Researching & Planning) #3

PRESENT: Henneha, Dannit, Izzy, Katie


  • Looking into what song we are going to use
We looked into a lot of song and took inspiration, these are some of the songs we looked into.

We looked at this song, we really liked it as it was a pop song and followed the structure of one very well. However, Hennesha and Katie suggested that the dancing may be a little hard and we did not know where to put in the dancing. Dannit and Izzy suggested we looked int some pop song with dance and see what they do. Therefore we looked into theses songs. 
After seeing these Hennesha had the idea of splitting the screen and trying to play them in sync. From doing the Dannit, Izzay and Katie could see some possible places where we could have dancing and how we could do it. Therefore knowing that it is possible we chose to do the song Sorry Not Sorry - By Demi Lavato

  • Izzy's feedback from the questionnaire analysis 
We were all told and informed what the audiences liked and what we should included in our music video my looking at the analysis that Izzy had done, so that we could all have it in the back of our minds when we did these other tasks

  • Allocation of tasks
Storyboard (Izzy and Dannit)
Script (Katie)
Shot List (Hennesha)