Monday, 18 September 2017

PRODUCTION MEETING (Research & Planning) #2

PRESENT: Henneha, Dannit, Izzy, Katie

Allocating other researching and planning tasks. The tasks that we need to allocate is one person to do the audience profile and the Institutions Research;  one person to do the Questionnaire Analysis; and two people to do the Genre Research 

  • Audience Profile (allocated to Katie)
- Need to look into the Demographics and Phycographics
-  See how representations attract an audience
- look into personal identification 
- Look into which stereotype would our music genre attract 
  • Questionnaire Analysis (allocated to Izzy)
- Analysis the results of our questionnaire both the music video and digipak/magazine
  • Genre Research (allocated to Dannit & Hennesha)
- Research into Daniel Chandler /Steve Neale/ The uses of gratifications theory's
- Explain how the theories could be applied to the music genre (including examples of     digipaks/magazine adverts/ Music videos
- Explain how our genre research will effect the ideas of production done for our groups music video
  •  Institutions Research (allocated to Katie) 
- look into the Record and artist
- Look into the Record Lables
- Look into the Producers
- Look into the disributers

We would like to have theses all complete by next week